Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Review: Own Days Optical Store @ Plaza Singapura

I've been wanting to blog about my new glasses, for the longest time. It has been 3 weeks since I've worn them out - a time which I think is sufficient enough for a fair review. Again, all reviews here are done solely from my point of view.

As my friends know it, I'm almost as blind as a bat and I can never go out with my glasses/contacts. And it will be very hard for me to go under the knives for a lasik surgery cos I'm just afraid something will go wrong during the procedure. So, year after year, I've been in search of that 1 pair of perfect glasses for my eyes.

A little background, my myopic degrees crept in when I was in Secondary school..? Back then, I seriously thought that wearing glasses was super cool, and everyone will look good in glasses. Thus, I made a new pair of glasses with every passing year - mostly metal frames which will corrode in time to come. 

Until I hit my Polytechnic years, whereby wearing glasses wasn't a fashion trend anymore... And I put on my first pair of contact lens. It was painful, and uncomfy but for aesthetics sake, I had to insert the lens into my eyes forcefully - and I was sooooooo overjoyed when they were in. It was contact lens from then on, but as I grew older, my eyes got more sensitive. They were itchy and red, in just like 6 hours of continuous wearing.. It wasn't that bad in outdoor situations but what made it worst was the air conditioning system, that was super dirty and dusty - I really felt the urge to just wear my glasses all day long... It didn't help when I had to meet friends after work and all. BUT I've never ever worn my lens to sleep through the night (prolly just a short nap or two).

Back to my story - many pairs of glasses and fogging of the lenses, and loose fitted frames which will slip off my face when I bow, and ill fitted ones which will give me headaches... I've finally found THE PERFECT PAIR. I happened to chance upon this ad on Facebook (now I know why Facebook app works), and I just randomly click on it to see what kind of no-frills spectacles shop it was, as they mentioned on the website that wearers could claim their glasses in just 20 minutes. Amazing, eh.

Brand Story
I was wondering where this brand came from as they didn't really broadcast anything on their website. Well actually, I felt a little dubious when I couldn't really find out where were they from, and if they wrote that they are from Japan, I would have gone down in the nick of time. Uh huh... Anything Japanese always catches my attention =) Subsequently, I read up a little bit and realised that they are 1 of the largest optical shops in Japan, and they have 120 shops worldwide. Awesome much!

Price Range
Their website is really clean cut which makes it easy to find information, and 1 of the banners stated "All In One" Price and it ranges from SGD$98 - SGD$198. So nothing more than SGD$198, awesome! And that included the frame and a pair of 1.60 high index aspheric lenses fitted in. Of cos, when I was there, they did mention that since I had pretty high degrees per eye, there was another option to upgrade to the ultra high index aspheric lenses, or other fanciful lenses (progressive lenses, transition lesnses, polarized lenses and coloured lenses) at only a fixed price of SGD$100. I didn't as my glasses was light weight enough. :) Bringing me to my next point:


There was this pair of frames which caught my attention on the website, but I totally didn't remember the model cos it was quite an impromptu visit to the OWNDAYS shop. I was just standing there, trying out all sorts of frames, without any pushy sales person trotting around with me (another + point). It was then I approached 1 of the staff and told him that I was looking for something light weight, something angular and of course, something in vogue. He brought out a couple of frames - though super pretty, they weren't that frame I saw online. He then went into the storage area and brought out this pretty pair - OT2025 Ultem C2 Tortoise Shell. The frames were the Love Life range - which is a collaboration with Maomi Yuki. The project of "Love & Life" came from a Japanese TV program named "Tokyo Brand New Girls". 

"Maomi Yuki, a famous Japanese TV personality, originally designed these two-branded frames taking her "life full of love" as themes. There are full of her thoughts in these two brands, "Love" with feminine, luxury theme and "Life" with daily, natural prettiness. You can enjoy these two brands with relative themes, which are trying to produce woman's on/off in their lives."

My dream frames! Reason why I didn't manage to find it off the racks cos it was a super popular pair and that was actually the last pair they have in the store, reserved by someone who didn't come down to collect it (such a pity!). They do reservations for frames for up to 5 days, after which they will release the frames for sale off the rack. Anyways, I was super happy cos finally, I got to try it on, and it fitted my face to the pea! 

"Frames made with ULTEM, a new material which have surprising-elasticity and feathery-lightness.You can use this in your life with matte, good-feeling texture. We adopted clear-coloured material with no metal parts to nosepad, in order not to make the nosepad standing out."

I totally love how the nose pads were designed, which you can see from the picture above. It's not the shape of the usual nose pads as well. They are bigger and higher, well fitted for the lower nose bridges of Asians (another brilliant innovation from the Japanese). I love the way which that frame sits on my nose bridge cos they do not leave marks. I have a couple of frames with plastic nose pads but somehow, they love leaving depressions on my nose bridge. Maybe cos those glasses were heavy or something but nope, this frame, with my high degree lenses are super light weight.

I was soooooo happy with my new frames but since I worn my contact lens out that day, I had to remove them and wait for 20 minutes before conducting any tests on my eyes. The pretty people at OWNDAYS then passed me a piece of wet tissue to clean my hands, and a white contact lens case to store my lenses, while I sat down to let my eyes rest for 20 minutes. The test was conducted by the guy who helped me locate the perfect frame. They had this super cool machine, whereby you just have to put your head by the machine and it will detect your degrees, and that is something I have never experience before in other optical shops. So after a series of test, the optician told me that I do not have any astigmatism, something which I've been diagnosed with previously. Double joy! So once he got my final degrees, he brought me to a place to sit (since I was quite blind), and proceeded to make my glasses, in another 20 minutes. =D

And here's the final result. For once, I'm soooooooooo satisfied with my glasses and how good I can look with them on. I'm just gonna wave all the branded frames good bye for they have not and cannot be able to fit as snugly as this pair of glasses. =D

Credits to OWNDAYS Singapore for images and quotes

Saturday, November 9, 2013

10 Years and Going Strong - JJ Lin in Singapore

I just had to blog about this concert as this has been the second highlight of 2013.

JJ Lin has definitely grown over the years, and he is definitely one of the shiniest star in the Mandopop industry. 10 years and still going strong, he is back over the weekend for another sold-out concert, and I was part of the 8000-strong crowd which thronged Singapore Indoor Stadium on a rainy Saturday.


This is probably the only word I have for the Timeline concert 2013. As I had attended his previous 2 concerts, I feel that this one is the most awesome one he has ever done before. JJ kicked started the concert with 3 dramatic tracks in a row - 靈魂的共鳴, 木乃伊, 

御龍三國志 but I think it's just a Singaporean thingie that the crowd didn't get too hyped up yet. After that 曹操, which is also awesome cos he re-arranged the tune a little bit and it sounded more glam-up for a big scale concert. Anyhoots, I really like how he described the life of the villain from Chinese history.

So when he finally stopped singing, he broke into singlish and spoke to the audience "How can like that? You call this loud?" Not to mention, he's peppered a couple of "I Am Singaporean" declaration throughout the concert, but I still love this line "I am, and always will be Singapore's JJ Lin". He spoke much about his experience from the past 10 years but I was touched when he mentioned about the "extraordinary love" his loved ones will shower when he's back in Singapore. 

Next up was the famous love songs segment, which kickstarted with 背對背擁抱, 我還想她, 白蘭花, 不死之身, 美人魚, One Shot. I personally felt that this segment is abit anti-climax, but nevertheless, the songs had new arrangements which I thought was pretty nice. 

After that, he broke into another talking session, but I felt that he was still a little shy. And that's what's cute about him, right? Very boy-next-door, very shy, and extremely cute with his dimples. He also added more "Singaporean" declarations and also, he did mention about the imports of foreign goods. "This one imported, this must be good ah!" But not so with him, JJ has always been my inspiration and though tough, I have never given up on my love for music. ;)

The concert was just getting better, with the next segment starting with 黑暗騎士, which I thought without Ah Xin was nice too! But after getting the crowd hyped up, it anti-climaxed with 害怕.. I thought he teared up abit when he mentioned about finding the right person and the crowd was pretty receptive with Hebe. Anyways, I was touched when he was explaining about the right person.... before he broke into 不存在的情人, and 學不會. 

My guess is that the concert will pick up from this segment onwards as the next song was 豆漿油條. As read from previous reports from the Taipei leg of this concert, I thought he would do something like sitting on the swing, but no. Instead, he did an accoustic version of that song which was just as good. This song will always be the best representative of Singapore, in my opinion. =D And after that was 小酒窩 which was done accoustically too. He surprised me with another classic - 关怀方式. Totally lovin' that song cos I did improvise that song on my own as well. 

He started thanking all his band members, and he did something very close to the heart. This was also when he talked about his family and his late grandma.. I felt that it is really very brave of him, leaving everything behind for his dreams since 10 years ago. and with that, he broke into 飛機 featuring his brother, Lin Jun Feng. At this point, I was thinking, no fancy guests, no over the top effects, just JJ and his brother - indeed something very special, which beats the rest of his other concerts. Photos of both of them flashed in the background - heartwarming. And for those who didn't know, both of them enrolled into Ocean Butterflies previously but only JJ made it til the end. Nonetheless, Jun Feng is still very proud of his little brother, that he whipped out his phone to take a selfie with JJ on stage. How amazing was that!

The concert was getting more hyped up now, when the extended stage was filled with water, and JJ did a tribute to his idol, Michael Jackson, with Billie Jean, leading up to 就是我. It was also during this song he removed his jacket, and finally his shirt to reveal some really nice abs. =D The crowd got super high by now.

My favourite segment next - the piano was up on the stage. He started a chain of medley - Love U U, 記得 (super favourite of mine! and apparently the rest of Singapore Indoor Stadium cos everyone sang along with him), and 她說, which drove the crowd crazy when he introduced Stefanie Sun! She's really pretty, and having heard her sing the song she had penned herself, was just totally awesome. Pretty mummy also started teasing how sweet JJ was - by giving her this bracelet as a gift to thank her for agreeing to be his special guest. Their duet has gotta be 1 of the concert's climax cos it was super nice! After that, she broke into 逃亡, and surprisingly, the crowd sang along too. =)

After that segment, it was 修煉愛情, before breaking to introduce the rest of his band members and vocalists.. and joking about this turning into National Day message.... After that it was my second favourite song for the night 一千年以後. I have and still listening to this song from his previous concert on my phone. Super love!

Finally, we have reached the encore segment where he got the party started! 因你而在, We Together, 不潮不用花錢. Super high, but I super like him in this segment - he was dressed in what he would wear during rehearsals - t-shirt, jacket over track pants and wing-ed dunks with his Timeline concert trucker cap. Something very comfy, something very JJ Lin. He got up close and personal to his fans, and to some lucky ones, they managed to get his autographed Timeline concert tower. Awesome much, I didn't want the concert to end but this has indeed been a super happy night for me. Thank you JJ, and don't forget, the world may forget about you, but not us, cos you are, and always will be Singapore's JJ Lin.

Not forgetting, he promised everyone that night...


Disclaimer: Photos with courtesy from Unusual Entertainment, and JJ's Instagram. 

Monday, October 28, 2013

SOTD - Me to You, You to Me

I am yours, like the sun which sets 
The beautiful memories are all from one place 
Precious memories of the naive days together 
Woo- they remain as a picture which has no regrets 

You are mine and make the lonely times pass 
You are the sunlight which shines on me 
Your small white hand in mine 
Like the sparkle of a jewel it makes the promise of eternity 

You are mine, like a sad graduation song 
You are still a small part of this hear tof mine 
Your beauty glitters in your eyes 
Like so many stars I hope you will always shine 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Tokyo 2020 - 夏季オリンピック

I just had to share this video with everyone. The Japanese are fantastically creative, and that's why Japan will always be a country I'd love to visit. A trip there is worth all effort and money, and I'd come back a wiser, and creative person. =)


Monday, October 14, 2013

Review: The Faceshop CC

It's been some time since I did a review. But I feel that urge to review the following product as I really think that it's a well-made product. Today's review is about the famous CC Cream, also known as Colour Control/Correcting Cream. This cream is a more refined version of the Blemish Balm (also known as the BB Cream).

Both BB and CC creams were developed in Korea, with the former being used as an after-surgery cream to soothe the skin. CC Cream was developed to retain all benefits of the BB Cream, and yet reducing the appearance of skin redness and sallowness. Both creams act as UV protection or sunscreens and have many other skincare properties such as, anti-aging, hydration, blemish prevention etc. 

**Disclaimer: All reviews are done at my own expenses and what I feel is most benefiting to myself.

This following product has made it into my holy grail and I have just finished using my first tub.

This is the Face IT Smart Capsule Colour Control Cream from The Faceshop! The ironic thing is that I didn't get this in Korea during my Korea trip, but only gotten my hands on this during my KL work trip. Sigh, but better late then never. The promoter at the KL shop was pretty nice. She explained to me, very detailed, what this tub will do to my face. 

I was actually looking at the Face IT Aura Colour Control Cream, but she told me that this tub has more coverage. The other properties are: brightening, hydrating, anti-wrinkle and it doesn't clog pores. The last point got me cos I have many little black heads over my pores, and the last thing I've ever wanted is something heavier than my BB Cream to clog up more pores. Which also means, this tub is lighter on application yet provide sufficient coverage. 

As we all know it, the weather in Singapore is humid and hot. Which also means, no matter how fresh you try to keep your makeup on, it will oxidize and turn dark as the time passes, and I have this issue with compact powders and BB creams. I tend to pile up with more powder when my face turns oily but it's a huge no-no as your face will look cakey. However, another interesting feature of this cream is that it has this darkening-proof formula, which simply to say, my makeup will be maintained morning-fresh and bright throughout the day! I've tried and tester, and the most I have to do when I'm in outdoors the whole day, is just to dab away the oil but my face still remains fresh. Woohoo, no more oxidization! That's such a winner, isn't it?

Strange to find a technology segment in a skincare review? As we all know it, the Koreans are pretty innovative when it comes to skincare, especially when they are well-known as the country to go to for cosmetics surgery. Well, this CC Cream has a Smart Tone Technology, which means that the yellow, black and red pigments of the Smart Capsule changes colour from white to yellow as they are blended together on the skin, and they are able to find the most ideal complexion shade. I always find myself very amazed with this technology. The cream looks perfectly creamy on my fingers, but upon application onto my face, it changes to blend nicely on my skin. Flawless, natural with a little glow, just like how I'd like it to be. =)

I've read from somewhere that the SPF features in most skincare products are usually not sufficient, especially when it comes to Asian countries like Singapore. Thus, the first layer I'll apply after moisturizing, is the sunscreen! Sunscreens are important and I cannot further emphasize how important are sunscreens. Anyway, after the sunscreen layer, I'll half-press the top of the tub for a sufficient portion of cream to be out, before using both my middle and ring fingers to blend over my face. The first few swipes will see the cream "transforming" into a tone closer to my skin's, and if I want more coverage that day, I'll layer up with a few more swipes. The half-press portion is just nice for 2 layers on my face, and 1 layer over my neck. Do not forget to apply on your necks too, cos the skin on your neck is thinner than that of your face, and it's also better to protect it. 

Final Verdict
✓ -> Into my Holy Grail
I love the texture, the light scent, the medium coverage and of cos, the reasonable price.
The Face IT Smart Capsule Colour Control Cream can be found at all Face Shops around the region, and I think it's priced at SGD$54. You can get it slightly cheaper from Gmarket or even much cheaper if you make a visit to the Face Shop outlet in Korea.

Credits to The Face Shop

Monday, June 3, 2013


This video is sooooo amazing that I just had to post this up.
Taken from this website: http://vimeo.com/65758287

[Symphonize with the world to the ever-evolving city of Tokyo.

We will be starting a movement here from Roppongi Hills to transform Tokyo into a more attractive and exciting "world-class city".
We are opening a 10th anniversary website in which users can experience 3D projection mapping on a miniature model of the city of Tokyo at a 1 : 1000 scale.
Participants can enjoy various motifs of the city: "Futuristic City," "Rock City," and a traditional Japanese "Beauty of Nature" motif by pressing the keys on a keyboard, as if playing the piano.
Exploit the possibilities and make Tokyo more dynamic and exciting.
Join us in a symphony with the entire city of Tokyo, and enjoy this completely new visual experience.

The 10 year celebration theme for Roppongi Hills is "LOVE TOKYO". ]

With love, from my favourite-st city in the whole wide world.
I'll be back =)

Friday, May 31, 2013

Review: Shiseido Tsubaki Head Spa Range

I realised that I haven't been reviewing about my favourite shampoo of all times.
Tsubaki, pronounced as TSOO-bah-ki, also means Camellia in Japanese, and we all know how well Camellia treats hair:

  • Softer and more manageable hair
  • Restoring hair's natural sheen
  • Helping hair retain moisture
  • Forming a silky barrier against environmental pollutants
  • Repairing breakage and split ends
  • Treating dry scalp and itchiness
  • Preventing dandruff
  • Treating damage from perms and coloring

Have been using the Shiseido Tsubaki range of shampoos since my first visit to Japan in 2009.
You know, they have toiletries provided in almost all stays in Japan, and I was sooooo amazed with the range they had at the hotels I stayed at. 
They were mostly poured and dispensed with those stuck on the walls dispensers, and were mostly by Japanese brands - Shiseido and/or Kose.
Those they were considered as "common" toiletries, they were so darn good.
My hair instantly fizzed out after 1 wash, and my skin felt smooth due to the milk content in their body wash.
I was sold!
Thus, I packed the entire range - shampoo, conditioner, hair mask, hair spray, into my extremely small luggage and flew them back to Singers.
I figured that I needed the white range (also known as the Shiseido Tsubaki Damage Care range), more than the red one (Shiseido Tsubaki Shining range).
It was super good!
And I have been using it until 2 years back, I've made a switch to the Head Spa range.

I first laid eyes on the advertisement outside a Sa Sa shop in ShaTin Shopping Centre.
The packaging was of a brilliant gold hue and I fell for it!
Heh, in the end I lugged back the entire set from Hong Kong and started using it.
The Head Spa range contains 4 products that include Head Spa Extra Cleansing, Head Spa Shampoo, Head Spa Conditioner and Head Spa Mask. 

Tsubaki Head Spa meant to provide a relaxing experience like in a spa salon, allowing us, women, to care for their scalp to achieve shiny and healthy hair at the comfort of their home.
After the first wash, I really feel quite a spa-sation. 
I kinda like the cooling menthol sensation on the scalp. 
It's really refreshing and makes my head feel lightweight.
I feel totally loved after shampooing, just like walking out of a spa.

The wanderlustie loves the conditioner too.
According to him, he likes that it's not overly fragrant (it does have a very warm, light scent), and it really keeps his hair soft and manageable.

Next is the Head Spa Extra Cleansing Shampoo with Essential Oil.
This shampoo is a deep cleansing hair product that helps to remove buildup of styling products. It can remove dirt, excess sebum and residual in order to keep the healthiness of your scalp. Contains extract of Camellia and Oleic Acids for light moisturizing.
I like using this shampoo once a week to thoroughly clean my sculp.
My mane will feel extra luxurious after this once-a-week wash.

Do get your favourite range to try now!

Available: All major pharmacies, $19.90 for shampoo and conditioner. $15.90 for Extra Cleansing.

Volume: 550 ml for shampoo and conditioner. 280 ml for Extra Cleansing.

Star Properties: With Natural Essential Oil.

It comes in a pump bottle that is ergonomically designed so you can wrap your hand nicely around the slimmer waist and grab it well.

For more information about Shiseido:

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Review: Award Winning Laneige Sleeping Pack

What is the biggest organ in our bodies?

You might be surprised to find out it's the skin, which you might not think of as an organ. 
No matter how you think of it, your skin is very important. 
It covers and protects everything inside your body. 
Without skin, people's muscles, bones, and organs would be hanging out all over the place. 

Skin holds everything together. It also:

- Protects our bodies
- Helps keep our bodies at just the right temperature
- Allows us to have the sense of touch

My girlies once commented that though my face has a couple of pock marks around, I have a beautiful un-lined neck.
What they meant by un-lined is that my neck does not look like it's aging much (choy!), and they wanted me to share the secret behind my un-lined neck.
There isn't any secret - other than drinking loads of water, maintain a fix 8 hours of rest, and much exercise time.
As age catches up with everyone, it's very hard to maintain the flawless baby skin which we once had. 

With hectic schedules, terrible air quality, harmful sun rays, drying air conditioned environments, collagen is broken down and our skin is sagging almost every time we defy gravity or tug and pull at them.

As much as I try to drink loads of water (but not before bedtime 'cos it will turn into water retention) and place a full cup of water by my bed, my skin still feel dehydrated when I wake up in the morning.

That's where my trusty Water Sleeping Pack from Laneige comes into play.
I've been a loyal fan of the Water Sleeping Pack for 4 years, and currently into my 5th tub.

As we all know, our skin is at its most hard working state when we are asleep.
Cells will be busy repairing themselves, and generating new cells to repair us for a new day ahead, night time skin transmission is definitely at a higher rate than the one in the day time. 
Thus, applying the Water Sleeping Pack right before bed time, is the best state for the skin to maximize the efficiency of overnight water supply.

Enriched with Beta-glucan, Water Sleeping Pack_EX deeply hydrates fatigue and dry skin while Ceramide SLN formula strengthens the skin barrier. 
With containing the Snow Water, it helps to keep your skin look more crystal clear and vitalized. 
What's more, I love smelling it!
No kidding, it contains an aromatic essence compound exclusively developed by AMOREPACIFIC, Sleepscent™(Patent application No. 10-2009-0043726), helps to relax your mind and body and derive for a good sleep. 
A good sleep effect allowing sufficient relaxation eventually reinforces skin restoration for healthier skin condition. Essential oils from Orange Flower, Rose, Ylang Ylang, Sandal Wood etc. are contained in the Sleepscent™. 
Its light weight gel texture is non sticky and easily absorbed into the skin too.
Apart from applying a layer over my face, I will apply a thin layer on my neck as well.
It doesn't look too good if your face is baby smooth but wrinkles can be seen on your neck.

How to apply:

Try to release the muscle tension of head, forehead, eyes, cheeks, mouth, chin and neck.

Try to centralize all the muscle of the face to the nose tip and pause for 3 seconds.

Open your eyes as wide as you can and try to lift up the eye brows. Open your mouth and try to pull down your nose tip. Pause for 3 seconds and relax the face muscle.
After all, there is a saying that women ages through their necks and hands.
But before I touch on the topic of hands, why not start protecting your necks first?

Credits to Laneige Singapore

Monday, May 27, 2013

Review: Sharp Plasmacluster Ion Air Purifier


Hope that the long weekend was well rested for all.
I didn't really get the maximal rest due to my cloggy nose which has been a pain every night.
After reading up on reviews of some air purifier, mr wanderlustie decided that we should get one to try.
There are some pretty good ones in the market but mr wanderlustie decided on getting this:

It was the Plasmacluster Air Purifier from Sharp.
It is not the highest range from Sharp but it's good enough for my tiny room.
Featuring the High Density Plasmacluster Ion Technology, it powerfully and quickly removes airborne particles.
According to the website, "Plasmacluster" Technology is a form of Air Treatment Solution patented by Sharp. Plasmacluster Ions differ from general disinfection systems in that they change into "OH radicals" on the surface of the molds and viruses, etc. The ions form OH radicals that are highly oxidising only when they adhere to the surfaces of mold, viruses etc. They instantly remove the Hydrogen protein from the surface proteins, breaking them down. The OH radicals then combine with Hydrogen (H) to form Water (H2O) which returns to the air.

Another wonderful feature of this machine is that it has an odor sensor which monitors the air in the room - which is awesome!
You know how humid Singers is and most of times, moisture will be retained in pillows and blankets and if you don't get time to sun/dry/air them during weekends, they will smell.
So with the odor sensor, it actually monitors the air, and detects if there are any odors in the air.
Me, being me, just had to try to see if the sensor actually works. 
And so, I breathed into the sensor, and in a split second, the fan speed increases and you could feel more ions being released to "clear" the air.

To see the cleanliness of the air, there is also the Clean Sign Indicator. 
The indicator shows the level of impurities in the air so it's easy to see the progress as it returns cleaner air into the room.
I'm actually quite impressed with this indicator but it's a little too bright in a dark room, especially when the lights are off in preparation of a good night's sleep.
There is this function whereby you can choose to switch off by pressing on the ion button for 3 seconds - and the indicator will be switched off.
Who needs to really monitor the indicator when you sleep, right?

I also like that the fan speed is automatically switched, meaning that once the sensors detect that there are more impurities in the air than usual, the fan speed will be automatically switched on (high, medium, low). 
With this mean function, it also means that it's very energy saving, and energy saving also means cost saving!
When the air in your room is clean, it will automatically go onto low.
With only 3 buttons on the simple designed control panel, it is extremely user-friendly.

Of course, there are various models suited for various room sizes and conditions.
Though it's very bad to wake up to a drying mouth and I will definitely appreciate the KC range (models with humidifier function) better, it's not exactly ideal to put in my room full with camera lens and leather bags.
Thus, i shall leave that for the new nest.
Til then, keep calm and breathe clean!