Monday, December 5, 2011

Wanderlust Trippin' - Welcome to Taiwan

And so, I'm back again, with a rock sitting nicely on my finger.

Yup, life's good and I'm still breathing after many many busy days with a super busy week that has just passed. =)

I wont go into details of what happened during the past 1,2,3 (i think) months.
All that has passed were a flurry of activities, wanderous trips and pilling up work.
I think e last I've stopped was before my Taiwan trip, and that was like the highlight trip of 2011.
Taiwan is beautiful much, with HuaLien being best place to visit in Taiwan.
Why is that so?
It has this gorgeous rocks-laced beach, a beautiful honeymoon suite facing the ocean and that amazing interior of the suite.
We stayed at this santorini themed hotel called Hotel Bayview.
It isn't really right smack in HuaLien county, it's somewhere off the tip of HuaLien, at Qi Cing Tan!
Anyways, I'll try to dig out some photos for audience (if there's any).

The key point of this entry is, I'm going to get married (finally)!
Haha, not like I'm dying to walk down the aisle but it's really hard to be able to find someone who loves you the way you do in this era.
I've friends who are still finding love, and friends who have decided that they will hold the fort on their own in coming years, but the cynical me, have decided that he's the one.
Humans are not exactly the most perfect of all living things but I'm determined to make the big day a perfect one, since I've already gotten the perfect ring *teehee*.

I've decided to label the different stages of the proposal below, thus keeping this entry purely for Taiwan. =)

Ring entry here
Proposal entry here
Journey to Love entry here
The Big day entry here

Monday, August 22, 2011


Bloggie's on hiatus again!
I'm so sorry, have too much, too many coming up my palate.
Well, as we all know it, I've been on yet another amazing trip to the land of jays and jolins. =)
All deserved break for the broken soul and I can't wait to travel to the bottom half of the land.
Wonderful munching trip with alot of shopping and many many photos!

I'll start blogging on the many beauty stuff I've gotten from this trip soon!

Friday, July 29, 2011

1 month in hiatus and I'm back.

Was pretty busy with many stuffs, but I'm back here with yet another travelling post!
Haha, I'm pretty much deprived of my much needed trip, and I'm just counting down to 2 more weeks.

Basically, I've caught this article from a blog and felt that I should just share it here.
They are the top 25 travel destinations.
Very pretty places, so see how many of this places have you left footsteps in:

Cape Town glistens at the southern tip of the African continent.
It is the top destination for it's tourist brochure-views at Blaauwberg Beach and Kirstenbosch National Botanical Gardens, according to TripAdvisor.
Other places to visit include Table Mountain and Robben Island, the prison where Nelson Mandela was held for 27 years.

Sophisticated hotels, world-class restaurants, Elvis impersonators and indoor Venetian canals.
Honestly, TripAdvisor says there is no place on earth quite like Vegas.

Rio is a lively city that knows how to party hard.
If you are there in May, the high-octane annual Rio Carnival is a highlight.

Latin America's shopping capital has a vibrant nightscene. You can check out the Tower of Babel when you're there.

Sail through the Grand Canal on gondola and soak in the romance of Venice and you'll feel right from the scenes of The Tourist, starring Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp.

Not to worry even if surfing is not your thing.
You can alway sunbathe and be a cam-whore to make your mark on the legendary Hawaiian beach.


The city, which was declared UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1982, is a major centre rich in historical roots and the arts.
TripAdvisor recommends watching the opera at St. Mark's Anglican Church,
get magnificent panoramic views of the city from the Piazzale Michelangelo and visit the Basilica of Saint Mary of Florence, a Gothic-styled cathedral.

The second largest city of Russia is a rich cultural hub, according to TripAdvisor.
Must-sees include architectural gems like the Winter Palace and the Kazan Cathedral.

The financial and cultural centre of about 7.4 million people or more is a lively hub with much more to it than its iconic Golden Gate Bridge.
TripAdvisor recommends checking out Fisherman's Wharf, the Aquarium of the Bay, Mission District, Ferry Building Marketplace in the day, and Chinatown and clubs on the West Coast at night.

The largest of the three Cayman islands.
There's scuba diving and snorkeling at Stingray City, where you'll find stingrays swimming alongside you in the clear blue waters.

If it is your first time there, the Empire State Building and Central Park are must-sees.
However, if you've been there, done that, pick a neighborhood and go deep, suggests TripAdvisor.
You'll find hole-in-the-wall bars, great delis and quirky shops.

Petra means "rock" in Greek.
The historical city of Ma'an is famous for its rock cut architecture and water conduits system.
The UNESCO World Heritage Site has recently been named as one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.

Known as the 'Eternal City', it has a jaw-dropping list of historical sights that can overwhelm even the most experienced traveller.


The metropolitan city is not just known for its financial district and shopping.

You'll find Europe's best-preserved Gothic Quarter here, according to TripAdvisor.
Also, check out The Mind House in World's Strangest Buildings.

Known for its Hobbits, it was where the Lord of the Rings trilogy was filmed.
There's much to see and do for outdoor enthusiasts, according to TripAdvisor.
Try bungee jumping, white-water rafting, or simply kayak at Milford Sound,
a serene lake at the heart of the Fjordland National Park.

19. KYOTO, JAPAN (why is it not Tokyo?)
ancient capital of Japan

The Prague Castle which has overlooked the city since the 9th century,
and the synagogues and cemetery of the Jewish Quarter are must-sees.
Also check out the nightscene at clubs and wine bars that are trendy and full of life.

Yearly, thousands of pilgrims visit the old city of Jerusalem.
Don't miss the Western (Wailing) Wall, Temple Mount and The Citadel (Tower of David) when you are there.
But other than visiting the major tourist spots, take time to soak in the rich atmosphere of the city too.



Situated on a mountain ridge above the Urubamba Valley and 80km northwest of Cusco,
the mid-1400s architecture is perched on a high plateau deep in the Amazonian jungle.
The site is a spectacle and archaeologists believe that it was built as an estate for the Inca emperor Pachacuti.

25. SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA (gasp! why not Melbourne?!)
City slickers, culture vultures and beach bums alike will fall in love with Sydney, according to TripAdvisor.
Climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge at night, get fresh seafood at Sydney fish market and more.

Credits to :

Above are the top 25 travelling destinations, and I'm very proud to say that I've visited 5 of them already!
As amazing as the other 20 places, I hope that I do get to visit every single one of them before any natural disaster strikes.
TGIF, and I'm breathing TW in 9 more days. =)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

20 days of wanderlust adventures

I've been on an adventure laced 20 days.
Ups and downs and I'm finally back with a bang.

Officially resigned as an educator, and I'm well happy back to being a cooped-up designer.
Many thanks to my family, my boy and my closest friends for supporting me in this hard-made decision.
"You're a designer", made me a happier girl, and though I'll miss my kids, I still remain my stand that this is for their better.
I'm not officially trained to impart my knowledge and skills to them, and I believe the next people to do so, will have more patience in guiding them there.

During this last term holiday, I've also spree-d a little.
Didn't really binge shop during the Great Singapore Sale, but I'm sure I've bought enough to last me through the remaining year.

Bought this very cute floral swing skirt from Mango.
Fits me well, and I'm quite a sucker for floral swing skirts.

Uber cute cross stitch pattern on this cardigan made me buy it as well.
Love the colour scheme of light grey with pastel pink stitches.
Will do up a look book with all my new found loots soon.

I've took a short holiday to the sunny island of Tioman with both families.
It was lovely - the sun, the sand and the great turquoise blue sea.
The environment was serene and it kinda refreshed my mind.

What's up next?
I shall bring myself to yet another bi yearly hair makeover.
Being a person who has the shortest attention span, I tend to do a drastic makeover to my hair every half a year.
But the thing is, what to do next.
This new year saw me curling up my hair, then snipping them off, and my hair is in quite a frizzy mode now.
It's dry on the ends and I badly need to re-colour them.
Let me start on my research after this. =)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

One door closes, another opens

I'm so happy.

First time sending an artwork to an international design magazine and it actually got featured.
I was going through that dark period when I turned on my laptop and started doodling with my dad in mind.
He talked me out from that period and I felt that since Fathers' Day is coming soon, I wanted to do something out for him.
First foray into the international design scene and I'm really thankful for the 2 likes which Dearest Daddykins has received so far.
The compliments were a huge boost for me, and they just assured me that the decision I made was correct.
Like what a friend once told me:
"You're a designer, always will be."

Another happy thing is that the collaboration with A has started, and I'm in the midst of creating cutesy character for this major project.
First time illustrating an entire website and I believe I will be able to do it well.
Will release these illustrations as I go along.

Meantime, see my design here!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Live, like there's not tomorrow

I've finally chosen the road I know I'd be happier.
Yes, there'd been sadness and a tinge of can't-bear-to..
But I know this will be a better choice for me, for the kids, and for the planners.

Like in Buddha's words - Nothing is Permanent.
When it's time for all of us to leave, we can't take anything with us, and we will just leave behind a legacy (infamous or not).

Materialistically, I'm trying to curb my impulsive buyings (so ironic when it's GSS now).
So rightfully, giving up this job will not make a HUGE difference to my spending power.
I have wayyyyyyy too many stuff in my cupboard, some of which have been forgotten.
I love all of my shoes and mascaras but I realised, I haven't been using them at all. =(

Kids are innocent, and pretty much angelic, no matter how naughty they are.
I love my kids, especially the Saturday class ones, and I know it's very irresponsible and unfair to them that I have to leave.
But I'd rather leave earlier than to develop a bond with them - that will definitely make everything worst.
I want them to be in the hands of someone better than me, teaching and imparting them skills I weren't able to give them.
To all 7 of them, I dunno how am I to break the news to them, and to their parents.
They may not remember who am I when time passes, but those 7 of them will always be the famous 7 in my heart.
They are after all, my first class =)
As for the other 2 classes, I feel bad too.
Firstly, not being able to teach them well after their previous teacher left.
I wanted so badly to train them up, or to push them to absorb more than the other teacher could give.
But it backfired and they are starting to miss their previous teacher.
I'm sorry to 6/7 of them, not because I couldn't teach them anymore, but because I failed to teach them what they didn't learn previously.

To that special mentor, thank you for your time and efforts for always keeping me in mind.
I've disappointed you much and I guess the only thing to do now is to show you that I can do it for my Grade 5 exam.
Thank you.


Now that I'm done with this chapter in life, I really hope to put down everything and move on.
I've more stuff up in my mind, and I really hope that the collaboration with Ade will work out.
What's up on my palatte now:
- Collaboration with Ade (Beginning to love what I'll be doing for her)
- Collaboration with Di (I'm super duper excited!)
- More freelance stuff coming (and I'm really hoping for more)
- Brand new resume and cover letter
- DottedLoft (Need to update more stuff in there)
- Traveling (I'm super looking forward to Taiwan, Japan!, Korea)
- Exercising on every Tuesdays and Thursdays (Mondays will be my rest days)
- Meet ups with the different cliques of friends (Yes, to 3 wonderful cliques)
- Housing matters (I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that HDB will approve our application and give us a house in Costa Ris)
- The BIG Wedding (Planning should be starting soon once the dates are here)

"Celebrations" had started as of last week, and other than sleeping more soundly than ever, I've been meeting up with friends.

Started with tennis with bestie = 2 loves with 1 outing.
First time playing tennis, and I thought it was fun and totally exhausting.
I still have burnt marks on my shoulders but it was worthy.

I spent my weekend with my lovely niece.
She likes "momo" and City Square had this Sesame Street performance over the weekends, so my family decided to bring her there.
Yes, "momo" is the red furry thing called Elmo.
She's soooooooo cute when she goes "momo" and she loves to shake like how cookie monster shake at the mention of the word - cookie.
Damn cute. =)

After that, I headed down to the city to meet up with my ex colleagues.
We had gorgeous pork knuckles frm Brotzeit and after which, we walked further down to Loof for a chillout session.
It's been extremely long...... since we met, and it was literally 2 years since we last met up with Keith.
Tsk, that busy guy has been flying in and out of Singapore and couldn't meet due to clashes of our free time.
It was the best we've ever had - Food, drinks, company.
And I was a happy girl by the end of the night.

Oh yes, this is my lunch today!
Braised Pork Rice (or lu rou fan) from this Taiwanese restaurant in Raffles City.
Very, very yummy!

Salted Chicken (or yan shu ji) which was equally yummy and made me quite happy.
But do not try their noodles cos it's quite bad and I had quite a bad time finishing them.

And finally, another photo which makes me smile everytime I see it.

It's Rikimaru, with the bear farm, on the bf's bed.

This is basically what I'm keeping myself busy with and I hope that all these will make me a happier person. =)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Beauty Review: Canmake Cream Cheek

This is the blusher I'm using currently, and I thought I should do some sharing of this great product here.
As introduced on the website, the Canmake Cream Cheek blusher creates a complexion that exudes health from deep within your skin, like a fountain of happiness.
It blends in with your skin as though melting into it, ensuring that your complexion stays looking dewy-fresh for hours on end.
It has a melting gel-type formulation that becomes dry after application, and it is extremely versatile.
Just a layer to create a natural look, and adding further layers to intensify your looks.

This is how you should layer it, according to the website:

Ball of your finger and dot the color onto your cheeks, as though pressing a stamp onto a piece of paper.

Gently stroke the color to blend it on your cheeks, as though joining up the dots.
Viola! A pair of very natural blended cheeks.

What I like about this blusher is that it is very natural and it has a variety of shades in giving you various options for different types of looks.
I'm quite impressed with the texture as well - very pigmented and it glides over your skin effortlessly.
The Cream Cheek range has about 10 colours, including 2 limited edition colours - Pinky Rose and Sweet Orange.
Some other colours includes:

Peach Dream - A delicate pink like a fairy. For an innocent look.

Cherry Pink - A cute pink that will make your cheeks look slightly flushed. For an angelic expression.

Sweet Apricot - An apricot orange that will give you the impression of a cute, free girl. Increase your impishness.

Coral Orange - A coral orange that will make others want to brush their cheeks against yours, make you want to touch it. You will share little happiness when you smile like a princess

All descriptions and swatches are from their website.

I've gotten the Pinky Rose, and it suits my skintone very naturally.
I'm soooooo tempted to head back to Watsons, John Little or BHG to get the other limited colour - Sweet Orange as well as Sweet Apricot, Coral Orange and Peach Dream.
All colours can still be found at the above mentioned places, while stocks last, so do not hesitate and pop by to swatch the colours now!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Lesson in Life

Didn't want to share my personal issues here but this whole situation has gotten me thinking about life.
What about it, or rather what is life?

I've had people telling me life is all about doing this and that.
Looking back, I can proudly say that I've never wasted a day in my life.
I maybe resting and taking the back seat on days, but I'm very sure those are the days which I've overworked and I just wanted ME time.
ME time is very important, it's like you can do and put others above your needs everyday but doing so will just make you feel like it's just not you.
ME time for me, is just doing simple things, or things I'd take forgranted, like:

Taking a walk along the beach, alone, or it will be great if I bring a dog along.

Watching television, catching up on shows I've been missing out on, under the covers or when I'm feeling good, in the arms of my boy.

Running, or jogging along the beach with just my music.

Reading the papers, or a good book by Haruki Murakami.
Something I haven't been doing for ages.

Baking, in particular, cookies and cheesecakes.

Those are some of my long lost past times which existed when there weren't iPhones or technology.

A friend once told me, "Money is never enough for everyone, and you should appreciate health cos that is, and always will be your richest asset".
That made me realise that I haven't been taking very good care of my health, both mentally and physically.
I wanted to chase dollar notes, in hope that they will be able to fill me up with materialistic wishes, which are also black holes developed mentally.
After shopping and buying so much from the past months, buying fatigue sets in, and I realised that I have so many things in excess which I just store away and not see them ever since.
They are left forgotten but I'd ask myself "what will happen if I didn't get these at first?"
Am I working much more than my body can handle, just to offset the money I spent on excessive buying?
And with this, I must set my thoughts right:

I'm not a slave to money but I will make money a slave to me. =)

When I'm done with this issue, I hope that I'll change for the better cos:

And hopefully, I'll continue my wanderlust adventures cos I know, I belong to the world.
Cheers =)