Wednesday, June 22, 2011

20 days of wanderlust adventures

I've been on an adventure laced 20 days.
Ups and downs and I'm finally back with a bang.

Officially resigned as an educator, and I'm well happy back to being a cooped-up designer.
Many thanks to my family, my boy and my closest friends for supporting me in this hard-made decision.
"You're a designer", made me a happier girl, and though I'll miss my kids, I still remain my stand that this is for their better.
I'm not officially trained to impart my knowledge and skills to them, and I believe the next people to do so, will have more patience in guiding them there.

During this last term holiday, I've also spree-d a little.
Didn't really binge shop during the Great Singapore Sale, but I'm sure I've bought enough to last me through the remaining year.

Bought this very cute floral swing skirt from Mango.
Fits me well, and I'm quite a sucker for floral swing skirts.

Uber cute cross stitch pattern on this cardigan made me buy it as well.
Love the colour scheme of light grey with pastel pink stitches.
Will do up a look book with all my new found loots soon.

I've took a short holiday to the sunny island of Tioman with both families.
It was lovely - the sun, the sand and the great turquoise blue sea.
The environment was serene and it kinda refreshed my mind.

What's up next?
I shall bring myself to yet another bi yearly hair makeover.
Being a person who has the shortest attention span, I tend to do a drastic makeover to my hair every half a year.
But the thing is, what to do next.
This new year saw me curling up my hair, then snipping them off, and my hair is in quite a frizzy mode now.
It's dry on the ends and I badly need to re-colour them.
Let me start on my research after this. =)

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