Thursday, March 31, 2011

Shiseido Superieur Elixir: Toning CE Lotion

Happy Thursday all!

A continuation post from the previous cleansing post.
Similarly, the CE lotion comes in various "powers".
The ladies at マツモトキヨシ felt that it was better for me to use power III, which is very rich and moisturizing, and of the highest concentration of CE.
Why don't get the highest "powers" for all, you would ask?
The reason is simple - too much of something is just as bad.
Similarly, our bodies work this way.
If we over pamper our skin with rich products, it will be able to "take in" more than what it needs and thus, there will be residue that will clog up our pores, leading to breakouts.
Hence, it is very important to let the experts handle and find out what actually your skin needs.
So for mine, they advised on power II for the cleansing foam, power III for the CE lotion, and power I for the CE emulsion.
They felt that due to the uneven-ess of my skin, I needed power II to clean my pores thoroughly.
Power III lotion is needed to then cover the pores like a veil, and to moisturise away all uneven-ess, as well as to "make up" for the power II cleanse.
Lastly, power I for the emulsion cos my skin is not those jialat jialat dehydrated skin.
With a powerful lotion, all I needed was the lighter degree of emulsion.

Here is it:

And below are the steps for applying the lotion:

1. Pour an appropriate amount of the lotion (in this picture-wise it's about a 500yen coin) onto a cotton pad. I would prefer to use those thicker kinds from Daiso at only $2! It is of those microfibre feeling which is definitely more absorbent than your usual ones.

2. Kiap the cotton pad between your index and tiny fingers.

3. Pat (not bua!) the soaked cotton pad on your face. I would normally pat upwards (cos my mum tells me that it will also firm up your face, rather than pat downwards which will lead to sagging). Do not bua or rub the cotton pad as the rubbing motion may just suck away the lotion in a swipe!

4. You can follow the motion and massage your face according to this image. Start with the cheeks, forehead, eye lids, eye bags, sides of the nose, area around the mouth, and the huge area around the jawline and underneath your neck. The neck area is a must especially since it is the first part which will show tell-tale signs of aging.

5. When you are done, try to "push" your neck upwards to prevent sagging and double chin!

I know these may seem like it will take an hour or so, but trust me, these steps are easy peasy. Just spend about 10 mins after your shower or after you wash your face and you will look younger in times to come!
I usually pat until the cotton pad is dry during the mornings, and I'll spend that extra 10-15 minutes to massage at the end of everyday.
Cheers to great skin! =)

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