Monday, April 4, 2011

Getting Uncomfortable

A self-reflective post before I kick start a series of travelogue.

I have been in the dumps for prolly the longest time in my life.
Been wanting to be there, done that, wanna do so much more I should be doing.
But all that I've been doing are just bringing me in rounds.
It doesn't take alot to know how desperate I am to move on.

A friend pasted me a very inspiring article to me today.
Just what I needed on a very slow moving Monday.

In it wrote "Whatever journey your path takes you on, the most important thing is to have passion in what you do."

"Don’t’ follow fashion trends. The most fashionable thing you can be is to be you. Travel the world, live in other cities, learn cultures. Learn because it keeps your mind young. You don’t need a university degree to be successful, although it may be helpful, but don’t do it because your parents – or you? – have status anxiety. Stop whining about it."

I really have to stop whining and procrastinating.

"If your job sucks, stop blaming others, your boss, your parents, the unverse. Just quit and take responsibility for your own choices. It’s not about the sucky job. It is about you being in the wrong place. There’s never a better time than now.

Start doing what your mind has been ticking away for you to do for years. Take risks. Be in a relationship that flows effortlessly. Trust your gut feeling. Intuition is strong and powerful."

That is so very true. I can't go on and on blaming everyone except myself for my sucky job. It's just pushing responsibility further and further away.

"Have the tenacity and focus to execute an idea no matter how daunting it may seem at first. Have the confidence in what you’re doing even when others doubt. Create opportunities for yourself. It is time for you to step up."

Dear courage, where have you been all these times when I needed you most?

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone, so get used to being uncomfortable. It won’t kill you. Do you need a sign? Here it is: - Bill Tikos

More inspiring reads here and here.
Photos credited to thecoolhunter.

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