Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Shiseido Superieur Elixir: Cleansing

First post here!
I'm very glad and happy that this is up and working.
I'll try to be very active here, with many many posts of reviews, and some posts of my personal life.

Alrightey, the first product which I wanna rave about is the Shiseido Elixir Superieur range.
I've gotten this range from マツモトキヨシ when I was visiting Japan 2 years ago, and I'm totally blown away by the almost-instantaneous results.
The ladies at マツモトキヨシ were super helpful, as they tried their very best to understand my broken Japanese sentences and yet they knew what I wanted.
Basically they did a skin check for my skin with some high end machine, and examined that I had super dehydrated skin.
Thus they introduced me to the Elixir range.

First up - Cleansing with the CE Cleanser

I had number 2 for this, which basically means rich.
And this is how you wash your face (very interactive website they have)

1. Clean your palm and squeeze about 1cm of cleanser lotion onto it.

2. Lather up the lotion with the other fingers and you will see quite a bit of foam coming up.

3. Rub the foamed up lotion onto your face in circular motion, starting with small circles around your cheeks, to bigger circles that cover up to your forehead.

4. Wash the lotion off with water.

5. There you have it, a perfectly cleansed face. =)

Next post up will be on the toner lotion and the emulsion (which is awesomely good).
Stay tuned!

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