Monday, May 23, 2011

Lesson in Life

Didn't want to share my personal issues here but this whole situation has gotten me thinking about life.
What about it, or rather what is life?

I've had people telling me life is all about doing this and that.
Looking back, I can proudly say that I've never wasted a day in my life.
I maybe resting and taking the back seat on days, but I'm very sure those are the days which I've overworked and I just wanted ME time.
ME time is very important, it's like you can do and put others above your needs everyday but doing so will just make you feel like it's just not you.
ME time for me, is just doing simple things, or things I'd take forgranted, like:

Taking a walk along the beach, alone, or it will be great if I bring a dog along.

Watching television, catching up on shows I've been missing out on, under the covers or when I'm feeling good, in the arms of my boy.

Running, or jogging along the beach with just my music.

Reading the papers, or a good book by Haruki Murakami.
Something I haven't been doing for ages.

Baking, in particular, cookies and cheesecakes.

Those are some of my long lost past times which existed when there weren't iPhones or technology.

A friend once told me, "Money is never enough for everyone, and you should appreciate health cos that is, and always will be your richest asset".
That made me realise that I haven't been taking very good care of my health, both mentally and physically.
I wanted to chase dollar notes, in hope that they will be able to fill me up with materialistic wishes, which are also black holes developed mentally.
After shopping and buying so much from the past months, buying fatigue sets in, and I realised that I have so many things in excess which I just store away and not see them ever since.
They are left forgotten but I'd ask myself "what will happen if I didn't get these at first?"
Am I working much more than my body can handle, just to offset the money I spent on excessive buying?
And with this, I must set my thoughts right:

I'm not a slave to money but I will make money a slave to me. =)

When I'm done with this issue, I hope that I'll change for the better cos:

And hopefully, I'll continue my wanderlust adventures cos I know, I belong to the world.
Cheers =)

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