Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Live, like there's not tomorrow

I've finally chosen the road I know I'd be happier.
Yes, there'd been sadness and a tinge of can't-bear-to..
But I know this will be a better choice for me, for the kids, and for the planners.

Like in Buddha's words - Nothing is Permanent.
When it's time for all of us to leave, we can't take anything with us, and we will just leave behind a legacy (infamous or not).

Materialistically, I'm trying to curb my impulsive buyings (so ironic when it's GSS now).
So rightfully, giving up this job will not make a HUGE difference to my spending power.
I have wayyyyyyy too many stuff in my cupboard, some of which have been forgotten.
I love all of my shoes and mascaras but I realised, I haven't been using them at all. =(

Kids are innocent, and pretty much angelic, no matter how naughty they are.
I love my kids, especially the Saturday class ones, and I know it's very irresponsible and unfair to them that I have to leave.
But I'd rather leave earlier than to develop a bond with them - that will definitely make everything worst.
I want them to be in the hands of someone better than me, teaching and imparting them skills I weren't able to give them.
To all 7 of them, I dunno how am I to break the news to them, and to their parents.
They may not remember who am I when time passes, but those 7 of them will always be the famous 7 in my heart.
They are after all, my first class =)
As for the other 2 classes, I feel bad too.
Firstly, not being able to teach them well after their previous teacher left.
I wanted so badly to train them up, or to push them to absorb more than the other teacher could give.
But it backfired and they are starting to miss their previous teacher.
I'm sorry to 6/7 of them, not because I couldn't teach them anymore, but because I failed to teach them what they didn't learn previously.

To that special mentor, thank you for your time and efforts for always keeping me in mind.
I've disappointed you much and I guess the only thing to do now is to show you that I can do it for my Grade 5 exam.
Thank you.


Now that I'm done with this chapter in life, I really hope to put down everything and move on.
I've more stuff up in my mind, and I really hope that the collaboration with Ade will work out.
What's up on my palatte now:
- Collaboration with Ade (Beginning to love what I'll be doing for her)
- Collaboration with Di (I'm super duper excited!)
- More freelance stuff coming (and I'm really hoping for more)
- Brand new resume and cover letter
- DottedLoft (Need to update more stuff in there)
- Traveling (I'm super looking forward to Taiwan, Japan!, Korea)
- Exercising on every Tuesdays and Thursdays (Mondays will be my rest days)
- Meet ups with the different cliques of friends (Yes, to 3 wonderful cliques)
- Housing matters (I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that HDB will approve our application and give us a house in Costa Ris)
- The BIG Wedding (Planning should be starting soon once the dates are here)

"Celebrations" had started as of last week, and other than sleeping more soundly than ever, I've been meeting up with friends.

Started with tennis with bestie = 2 loves with 1 outing.
First time playing tennis, and I thought it was fun and totally exhausting.
I still have burnt marks on my shoulders but it was worthy.

I spent my weekend with my lovely niece.
She likes "momo" and City Square had this Sesame Street performance over the weekends, so my family decided to bring her there.
Yes, "momo" is the red furry thing called Elmo.
She's soooooooo cute when she goes "momo" and she loves to shake like how cookie monster shake at the mention of the word - cookie.
Damn cute. =)

After that, I headed down to the city to meet up with my ex colleagues.
We had gorgeous pork knuckles frm Brotzeit and after which, we walked further down to Loof for a chillout session.
It's been extremely long...... since we met, and it was literally 2 years since we last met up with Keith.
Tsk, that busy guy has been flying in and out of Singapore and couldn't meet due to clashes of our free time.
It was the best we've ever had - Food, drinks, company.
And I was a happy girl by the end of the night.

Oh yes, this is my lunch today!
Braised Pork Rice (or lu rou fan) from this Taiwanese restaurant in Raffles City.
Very, very yummy!

Salted Chicken (or yan shu ji) which was equally yummy and made me quite happy.
But do not try their noodles cos it's quite bad and I had quite a bad time finishing them.

And finally, another photo which makes me smile everytime I see it.

It's Rikimaru, with the bear farm, on the bf's bed.

This is basically what I'm keeping myself busy with and I hope that all these will make me a happier person. =)

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