Thursday, June 2, 2011

One door closes, another opens

I'm so happy.

First time sending an artwork to an international design magazine and it actually got featured.
I was going through that dark period when I turned on my laptop and started doodling with my dad in mind.
He talked me out from that period and I felt that since Fathers' Day is coming soon, I wanted to do something out for him.
First foray into the international design scene and I'm really thankful for the 2 likes which Dearest Daddykins has received so far.
The compliments were a huge boost for me, and they just assured me that the decision I made was correct.
Like what a friend once told me:
"You're a designer, always will be."

Another happy thing is that the collaboration with A has started, and I'm in the midst of creating cutesy character for this major project.
First time illustrating an entire website and I believe I will be able to do it well.
Will release these illustrations as I go along.

Meantime, see my design here!

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