Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Heaven on Earth Part 1

Another inspiring post up for a toony Tuesday (my office seems packed today with the return for that tiny manager and more new colleagues).

To kickstart the traveling column which I'll be updating, hopefully frequently, will be the 4 places I wanna visit by the end of my life.
This was triggered by a friend who asked me where would I like to visit in this lifetime.

First up: Santorini.

In my opinion, that is a tiny part of heaven on earth.
Just white houses and the deep blue sea.

The above images are taken from here.

2. Africa

Isn't this AWESOME!
The idea of getting lost in some African lodge, running wild with lions (I badly wanna see the brave Simbas there, unlike sleepy Singapore ones), and the magnificent Victoria Falls!

3. Barcelona

Historic architecture, monuements, museums, parks, beaches, amazing culture..
What more can I ask for....

4. Let me squeeze in just one more - Bhutan

I really wanna go to the land of the happiest people in the world.
Roots or not, Bhutan is very mysterious yet interesting.
The serenity captivates me and I hope to attain some form of divine happiness when I'm back.
It will be a very good experience to be able to find my inner self.

If there had been a fifth, I'd put Zurich.
But I know myself, I can just go on and on.
Japan used to top this list but since my visit 2 year back, it had climbed to be on top of my other list (to be shared another time) - Top 3 Favourite Places.
There are far too many places on my list to visit.

Here are 4 of my must-go places, what are yours?

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