Monday, April 11, 2011

Scrub, Scrub, Scrub!

As you have guessed from the title, I really like to exfoliate my skin.
It's just the very soft and smooth feeling I get after exfoliation that got me hooked. Hah!
Anyways, today's post is about the brilliant product which I had used for the past few months:

Yup, it's the highly raved Habo Labo!
But I don't use the entire range, just the gentle exfoliator which I had picked up during 1 of those random shoppings at Watsons.
I have no idea why I took this product (again!) but my guess is the very simple and plain packaging with some Japanese text.

Anyways, here is the actual product:

Yup, I've gotten the one in a tube.
My first wash literally left me quite "high".
In fact, I thought I was bluffed cos it stated exfoliation but when I actually rubbed the foam on my face, there weren't any tiny bits or scrubbish feeling.
So I thought it was just a normal cleanser, until I washed the foam away........

Woohoo~ my face was baby smooth and it was very very well hydrated.
I was very amazed with the after effects.
So not to over exfoliate my skin, I used it on the following day again.
Same effects!
And I continued to use this cleanser every alternating days.

As shown in the previous image, this cleanser is inspired by the smoothness and delicateness of a shelled egg, and it contains Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) and Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA).
Both are the parents behind clarity, brightness and promote skin cell renewal by preventing dead skin cell buildup.

And just like many people out there, I mix and match my skincare everyday.
So after removing my makeup with the Mandom Cleansing Express, I would either wash my face with the Shiseido Superieur Elixir or I'd exfoliate with this Habo Labo Exfoliating Care face wash.
Then I'd either use the Shiseido Superieur Elixir range of toner and lotion, or I'd use the Kose Sekkisei lotion before finishing the procedure with a slab of aloe vera moisturiser.

Just a beauty tip for the day: ALWAYS remember to remove your makeup everyday.
Else your pores will be clogged and it will hinder new skin cells from growing. =)

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