Wednesday, April 20, 2011

LOTD with Looklet - 3

Here's something up for a not so good looking Wednesday:

I did this look for Monday but I've been busy packing stuff into my luggie the past few days, thus I can only post it for the look of Wednesday.
I'm kinda stuck as to what to wear over in the extremely burning Bangkok.
Definitely no reds nor yellows.
Cool white will be good to reflect off those rays, but I'm running low on white stuff (I'm more of a black person cos it makes me look slimmer, heh).
Should I stick with sun dresses or cool cotton rompers or just plain ol' shorts n tees.
Footwear has been settled - I shall survive my entire trip with my good and survived-angkor-wat-haviannas sandals.
Tell me what shall I wear, and also not to overload my luggie (I'm soooo glad I can check in my luggie this time).

Another mission of this trip, other than to sink into the soft beds of sticky rice and mango, is to stock up on my shop's inventory.
Yes, you've heard me right, MY SHOP. =)
I don't really want to jump on those short-term-money-making bandwagon but I really do like the idea of selling something to everyone online.
Of course, I'm not looking at those cheap cotton flimsy stuff you can get down the streets of Bugis Village at 10 bucks.
I'm really into bringing in the "Artistry" styled clothes.
Something along the lines of designer-chic, structured basics stuff.
Oh yes, I'm quite excited, cos it's not limited to clothes only, there will be (hopefully enough money for) other stuff like accessories and even furnitures! =D
Ok, basically, the direction for my shop is: To bring pretty stuff nearer to you, in bids to help you create a better and beautiful environment, something along that line.
If this really takes off (I'm keeping my fingers crossed), we will prolly take off to more places to find and bring back more "Artistry"-styled stuff.
It's like.. not so much of the returns but more of the process - of doing something I like (something I learnt from Glee).
Like what I had mentioned, I don't expect much returns from this little shop but I really do hope that it will bring me nearer to my goal of having a real, physical shop or heaven-on-earth as I'd call it, to get me off from this world. =)

Anyone as excited as me yet?

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