Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Mascara in a Pink Tube

Prolly one of the best inventions every (subconsciously).
Ever since I was introduced to mascara, I've been in search of the best mascara.
What defines the best mascara?

To me, it has to be strong enough to hold my heavy lashes (yes, I've heavy lashes cos I've been a crybaby all this while) in place.
And because it is heavy, the mascara has to not only hold them up, but it needs to keep them curled.
I have used mascaras which holding power is superb, but the moment I coat them onto my tong-ed lashes, they immediately turned poker straight.
Secondly, it has to give me substantial amount of volume to balance my heavy lashes.
Heavy lashes does not equate to voluptuous lashes, but it may mean that it is slightly longer =D
Lastly, if it could give my heavy lashes with additional length, I'd gladly cast it as the best mascara of all times.
So which wonder wand top my list, and thus attained the best mascara ever:

1. Naris Wink Up Styling Mascara.

I have no idea why I had picked it up in the first place.
Might be because it is very subtly sitting in the corner, far far away from it's kawaii cousins.
I have this thing for clean, (aka plain) designs.
But when I picked this up couple of years back, I knew it was THE ONE.
I used to fall prey to well known drugstore brands (M*********, R***** etc).
The former had the voluptuous oompf but turned my lashes poker straight.
The latter was good, but not volumizing at all.
Anyways, this mascara, i thought it'd be like how not catchy when I first saw it.
But it proved me wrong.
1 of the "lighter" mascaras I have used, lighter meaning it still can flip my lashes upwards, hold there no matter how long the day may be, how hot and sweaty I may get, and how nasty my tears can flow.
It held through entire day and my lashes were still nicely curled up.
Sometimes I'd "kiap" them like 90 degrees up, but once I applied this mascara, the 90 degrees held them there.
The only con will prolly be that it is not volumizing enough.
No spidey legs, no clumps, very thin bristles.
So I'd use other volumizing mascaras to go through the bottom parts of e lashes.
Lastly, it not filled packed with alot of fibre, but just right to extend some of the lashes' tips. Very subtle but still very nice.
After I used this unappealing mascaras, I went back to realise that Watsons no longer sell it.
Was quite depressed until I found them sitting nicely on the racks with other Japanese products at John Little! =)
So I happily took 2 tubes and I'm still at the 2nd tube.
Great stuff here!

The other mascara which may come as close to this one is:

I remembered that it wasn't imported into Singapore when it was first launched.
Thus, I headed to City Square in Malaysia and bought my first tube, at half the launch price!
All I could say was that it is damn good.
Holding power, just as good as the above mentioned mascara.
It has fibres to extend my lashes but similarly, not very volumizing.
BUT, it takes me ages to remove them at night.
Maybe it's because of the not-very-good makeup remover.

This is basically the 2 mascaras I swear by.
Gonna try the Heroine Make mascara and the Dolly Wink one soon and I'll do a review afterwhich.
Stay tuned!

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